
lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

Social Capital

The following will text represents a challenge because the content is extremely rich.

It was written by Alejandro Portes, who is part of the Department of Sociology at Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey

Through the following link to access the full text ...


Applying the technique of "profound reading" may answer the following questions ...

  1. Which authors Alejandro Portes takes the definition of Social Capital?
  2. Why the author believes that the term "Social Capital" has become popular in recent years?
  3. What common elements present the positions of the three authors cited by Portes about Social Capital?
  4. What is the basic requirement for a person to own a Social Capital?
  5. What are the consequences of Social Capital?
  6. What is the relationship established between modern sociology Coleman and Social Capital?
  7. What is the role of the family according to Alejandro Portes?
  8. What relationship is established between Social Capital and Social Stratification?

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