
lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2013

The Globallización: Contribution or destruction of an existing cultures?

Globalization leads to almost every corner of the world a continuous bombardment of information and diverse cultural modes, which are adopted by people making customs tranform hybrid cultures.
The following will show video is an adaptation from one language to another to achieve a kind of artistic expression.

Globalization and social change are closely related so that we do not know exactly define what is the cause and which the result ...

Comment on these lines, write your own review!

A historic social change request!

        The following video, momarable by itself, make the need for change on the part of society. We must not let the market, politics, greed and hatred decide on how we live. The world cries out for social change, where what matters is the benefit for all, equality, cooperation and solidarity, where there are the familiar DICHOTOMIES: North-South, Centre-Periphery, Rich-Poor, Good-ill, among others.
Therefore, we as teachers must contribute our grain of sand to begin forming new social actors that are able to see the world through different eyes, not blinded by greed.

Whether you're a teacher or other profession, you ever wonder how you can contribute to social change from your place?

Social Change: Cross shaft multiple authors

Following the line from the first post on Social Change share with you a presentation properly enclosing some ideals of Paulo Freire, as other authors who give them their place soon. We welcome your comments ... Enjoy!